Moving towards a multisectoral approach to tackling antimicrobial resistance

  20 March 2020

A new publication produced by WHO’s European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies and published by Cambridge University Press outlines the need for multisectoral approaches – involving disciplines such as human medicine, veterinary medicine, agricultural sciences, epidemiology, economics, sociology and psychology – to address the global problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The publication goes on to describe the potential economic and policy responses for tackling the challenge of AMR in the European Union.

It is widely acknowledged that antibiotics revolutionized medicine. Over time, however, available antibiotics and related drugs are becoming less effective and pathogens are becoming more resistant. WHO has identified AMR as one of the top global health challenges facing the world today.

The book is part of a new series focusing on critical issues in the transformation of health systems in Europe – a process being driven by changing environments, increasing pressures, and evolving patient and societal needs. Each study aims to provide both practical and policy-relevant information and lessons on how to implement change to make health systems more equitable, effective and efficient.


Further reading: WHO
Author(s): WHO
Clean Environment   Effective Surveillance   Healthy Animals   Healthy Patients   Secure Foods   Smart Innovations  


Unrestricted financial support by:

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre




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